Making Tomorrows smart decisions Today

Destination Future is a Destination Marketing Leadership Organization, our purpose is to advocate for our community.

We aim to use DF as a platform to socialize our ideas and vision for the development and Nation building related to the tourism industry. DF strives to focus on making Destination Marketing a national agenda.

We will advocate for sustainable tourism development, nurturing local talent, and contribute to the preservation of the country’s environmental and cultural values.

By collaborating with all stakeholders, we aim to become a vision driven strategic partner for the industry.
Reach Out
  • Vision
    To be the catalyst for positive change in Maldives' tourism industry.
  • Mission
    Advocate for positive industry policies, sustainable tourism development practices, inspire and encourage future-focused talent to join tourism industry, and contribute to destination marketing by collaborating with all stakeholders. 
Why does Maldives matter to Destination Future?
The Maldives represents our future. Globally, it stands out as a country with close to 1200 natural islands, rich underwater life, and serene beaches. From a visitor’s perspective, the Maldives is the world's best holiday destination. However, it is also home to approximately 400,000 inhabitants (as of 2024), who rely on the resources and share the same islands to lead harmonious lives. While adapting to the needs of the modern traveler, the Maldives should not lose its core environmental and cultural values, which need to be instilled in the modern citizen. We hope to bring about a change in balancing both aspects.
Change through Education
Education plays a pivotal role in addressing the challenges faced by the Maldives in balancing tourism development with environmental and cultural preservation. By integrating sustainability and conservation principles into the curriculum at all levels, from primary schools to universities, students can develop a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting their natural and cultural heritage. – we aim to push education to the forefront of our initiatives.
Preserving Nature's Timeless Elegance
As the demand for modern facilities and extravagant properties increases, the Maldives must remain faithful to the essence of what made it famous. We aim to integrate these principles for long-term sustainability.
Preserving our Brand & Heritage
While nature stands as the primary attraction for visitors to the Maldives, the unmatched hospitality of the Maldivian people has been equally significant. The renowned warmth and exceptional service, extending beyond conventional norms, remain integral. Our goal is to nurture and empower more local talents to represent the Maldives both locally and internationally.
Opting for the Future over the Present
While short-term goals hold importance, long-term objectives cannot be disregarded. The current generation bears a responsibility towards future generations, akin to how past generations preserved the Maldives for the present. Therefore, when we neglect nature, we jeopardize the livelihoods of future generations. Our aim is to promote positive changes that align with our sustainable future goals, rather than prioritizing short-term economic gains.
Collaborating with Ethical Partners
We seek to partner with ethical counterparts who share our commitment to promoting sustainability and pursuing goals guided by common sense.
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